Sunday, June 10, 2012

20 Days

We're down to 20 days already. Can you believe it? In just 20 days we will be heading out to Ecuador. I can't even begin to explain to you how awesome my team is. We have connected in more ways then 1 and it's all coming together for this trip. We have a list of prayers that we are praying each day, we are practicing each of our skits, we are encouraging, uplifting and praying together and for one another. I can't help but feel a stirring in my Spirit when I think about this trip. Gahlee, I just know how blessed I am going to be while I'm down there. More importantly, how blessed the people down there are going to be. I'm definitely thankful for those of you that are supporting and have been supportive of me. It's been an awesome journey so far, and we haven't even gone yet. I'm going to try to keep everything updated with pictures and videos as best I can!

As for school- Now that I've had full week of summer, I need to figure out when to go back to my classroom. I want to paint it number 1. I'm thinking lavender and light blue. If you have any other suggestions, feel free to let me know! I'm already starting to think of things that I want to change for next year; in my classroom and for myself. I need to get in there and start organizing, planning, etc....but I think I'll wait till I come back from Ecuador :)

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